Trudy Rose Brody

This website has been developed as a living and loving memory of Trudy Rose Brody. Trudy was a loving and beloved wife, mother of two boys, grandmother of six, sister, and aunt. She also was a committed and caring psychotherapist who helped hundreds of her patients to understand and seek solutions to issues in their personal lives. Trudy had many friends and they were a very important part of her life.
Trudy was a gentle and understanding person who saw the good side of people, and often played peacemaker to others who did not always think as she thought. It is difficult to think of any time where she thought or expressed negative thoughts about others. Read more about her on the About Trudy webpage and see more of her life on the Gallery webpage.
​Trudy had a passion for her profession as a psychotherapist. She thrived on being able to help people through her caring and commitment to their well-being. She also recognized the need to help others to develop their skills and she supervised graduate level social work students at local universities. Paying forward on this education aspect we have established a scholarship each for a Smithtown High School East and a Smithtown High School West senior who plans to pursue a career in Social Work or Psychology. The Scholarship page on this website contains additional information.
Trudy had been an avid reader for many years. She also had been a lover of music who felt that “music is my higher power”. Toward that end we have established a bench in her memory on the patio of the Main Branch of the Smithtown Library; overlooking the lawn where summer concerts are held. More information on this is located on the Library page of this website.
In her middle-age she was afflicted by polymyositis which is an autoimmune disease that affects and weakens the muscles. There is no cure for it; only treatments to minimize and/or hold its effects in abeyance. We wish that there had been a cure for Trudy. However, it is our hope that additional funding for research will lead to a cure or even more effective treatments. The Myositis page on this website has more information and provides an opportunity to contribute to the search for a cure.
Many of her psychotherapy patients shared their appreciation with Trudy and some of these thoughts are captured in an anonymous compliant manner on the Patients Speak webpage.
We hope that this website enables you to share these wonderful memories of Trudy with her family. If you have any comments that you would like to share with us then please use the Contact page to send a message.